What's Your style
Comes with an exclusive line of shoes for all dance types & styles. Whether for studio or street, Adore Dance Shoes brings imported, innovating and unique styles to serve dancers of all levels and uses.
Featured Products
Loraina - Tan Strappy Latin Dance Shoes (Suede Sole)
1 color available
Paris - Tan Rhinestone 3" Latin and Ballroom Dance Shoes
3 colors available
Biscotti - Nude Leather T-Strap Tango Shoes
1 color available
Sporty Heeled Dance Sneaker Practice Shoes
3 colors available
Understanding great dance shoe design is at the heart of everything we do. It's these small touches that set us apart.
Checkout our Instafeed
Miami storefront
5789 NW 7th Ave, Suite 11, Miami FL 33127
(Located inside Studio58 Community)
Parking and Entrance in Rear
Hours of Operation:
Monday thru Friday: 12pm - 6pm
Weekends and after hours by appointment
PHONE: 1-305-632-4178
EMAIL: contact@adoredanceshoes.com